образование, што претставува, зошто е важно за нашата држава? Ова се неколку
прашања кои во иднина се почесто ќе се поставуваат со оглед на тоа што има
потреба образовните ресурси да се бесплатни и слободниот пристап до отворените образовни
содржини во многу економии значително се зголемува. За земји во развој како што
е Македонија, отвореното образование е од голема важност со оглед на тоа дека
истото нуди бесплатен пристап до дигитални материјали на секое ниво во
образовниот систем, на тој начин значително намалувајќи ги трошоците.

излагања имаа и гости од Humboldt Универзитетот од Берлин, Universitat
Politècnica de València кои презентираа значајни проекти за отворено
образование финансирани во рамките на ЕУ програмата Хоризонт 2020 поврзани со
преводи на масивни отворени онлајн курсеви. Интересен проект кој беше
презентиран од претставник на фондацијата My Machine Global (Белгиска иницијатива) беше My Machine кој на многу интересен
начин ја поттикнува иновативноста, креативноста и претприемачкиот дух кај
учениците. Ваков проект функцинира
низ неколку држави во светот меѓу кои и My Machine Словенија.
Participation on "Internet of Education" Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Participation on "Internet of Education" Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Open Еducation, what it is and why
it is important for our country? These are some questions that will increase importance in the future because
there is a real need for free access to educational resources, and open access to educational content in many economies has significantly
increased. For developing countries such as Macedonia, Open Education is of great importance because it offers free access to digital materials at
every level in the educational system, thus greatly reducing costs.
into account the importance of Open Education for the entire region, on 18th of September, 2015 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina was held the conference: "Internet of Education" in the organization of Opening up Slovenia and the Ministry of Education of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. At this conference was discussed the experience of Slovenia which is the
first country in Europe that
is implementing the initiative for Open Education "Opening up Slovenia" which is based on the idea to follow as closely as possible and go beyond
the European Commission’s communication “Opening up Education”, which sets out
a European agenda for stimulating high-quality, innovative learning and
teaching through new technologies and digital content. Participants
were coming from the region and guest
speakers from Bosnia, Serbia,
Croatia presented the situation with Open Education in their
countries. Representatives of Slovenia presented how their initiative can expand in the region and how jointly
we can move towards Open Education development. More on topics and speakers can be found at the following link: http://www.ouslovenia.net/event/ioe2015/.
The Vice President of the Center for
Local Initiatives Elena Stojanovska also delivered a presentation on Open Education in Macedonia.
from Humboldt University of Berlin, Universitat Politècnica de València presented
significant projects for Open
Education financed under the
EU Horizon 2020 program related to the translation of massive open online courses. An interesting
project that was presented by a representative of the foundation My Machine
Global was the project My
Machine (Belgian Initiative) - a fascinating method for encouraging innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit
among students. This project
is functioning in many countries in the world, including My MachineSlovenia.