употребата на отворени образовни ресурси придонесува кон економски раст во една
држава? Дали треба да се има се повеќе пристап до
бесплатно образование? Каква улога игра квалитетот на отвореното образование?
Прочитајте во написот објавен на Open Education Working Group (OEWG) на Елена
Стојановска, дел од тимот на ЦЛИ и член на OEWG: http://education.okfn.org/is-there-a-link-between-oer-and-economic-growth/
Повеќе написи на теми поврзани со отвореното образование следете на: http://education.okfn.org/
countries invest more in education to promote economic growth? Education is
crucial towards the path of socio-economic development in one country. An
educated population is one of the keys to enhancing economic productivity
and creating a knowledge economy. The future of the countries is relying on
the knowledge and skills of their people. Is there a link between Open
Educational Resources and Economic Growth? Is enough evidence to support this link?
What is the economic potential of OER? Read the blog post on Open Education
Working Group (OEWG): http://education.okfn.org/is-there-a-link-between-oer-and-economic-growth/
written by Elena Stojanovska, team member of CLI and member of OEWG.
more blog posts about Open Education on the page of OEWG: http://education.okfn.org/